Home / Clone Conspiracy #2 second print
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Clone Conspiracy is heresy, to a point. The dead are meant to stay dead. If these are the dead of Spider-Man's past, there should be very little in the way of conversation. I say all that because I was not impressed with the first issue (the art being a notable exception).
Well, don't I feel like a jerk now? It would appear Clone Conspiracy is actually a multi-leveled semi-continuance of Spider-Verse crossed with Marvel Zombies and Superior Spider-Man. I know I can't actually say this here, but it is crazy b***s, and Jim Cheung makes them the best looking crazy b***s of the week. His super tight pencils have been impressing since Scion. They turn out to be an excellent fit for a book that features nearly every Spider book character ever. Dan Slott would have us believe he's been plotting this as long as he did for the Otto/Peter switch, and his evidence seems to hold up. Spider-Verse was great. Spider-Verse fans, take note, heed, shots...