Comic Set Written by Alexander Irvine, penciled by Russell Braun, finishes by Klaus Janson, cover by Arthur Suydam.
"Equinox," Part 1 of 5. When the Son of Satan is your best option, God help you. New Orleans. The Big Easy. The membrane between our world and the underworld has always been a little thinner here. Now, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the outpouring of human misery has drawn demons like sharks to a bloodbath. What better time for Damian Hellstorm -- a.k.a. The Son of Satan -- to pay a visit?
It starts with the doctor who delivers a baby that vanishes into the night. A doctor who is devoured by demons wearing New Orleans PD badges. Demons who work for someone -- or something -- that's descended on the Big Easy and doesn't give a damn who Hellstorm or his father is. Something that¹s harvesting body parts in a furious race toward unspeakable purposes.
All five issues for one low price!