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This is 'Nightwing Kills The Marvel Universe', Frank Millers 'The Night Wing', or 'Injustice, but with Nightwing, and everyone else is Superman'. What I'm saying is that Dick Grayson has removed or muted the powers of every meta-human he can. He's caused quite a number of problems by doing so. He's also increased the safety and security for the majority of the United States.
Isn't there a quote about 'Liberty' and 'Safety' that might apply here? Grayson's heart is in the right place, but he has to know that this sort of thing isn't going to stand. He really ought to have known that this sort of thing would end up getting him personally as well, given that he's in a world with super heroes.
He's one of the good ones. Just ask him.
If you like seeing your heroes tear down other heroes in the name of being right, this book is definitely for you.