Home / X-Men Gold #1 (2017)
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X-Men Gold does its best to give the 'ol X-Men feel. There's mixed results. A bunch of Claremont dialogue is (re)used to let me (and you), the reader, know that the team dynamic is back. You'll see 'BAMF', hear 'SNIKT', someone will both ask for beer AND say 'fuzzy elf' after a baseball game. I know these things. They have a warm place in my past. They're being used to connect my brain to that warm place. My brain doesn't get fooled that easily. It only takes a couple of pages when you see that artist Adrian Syaf can't draw someone holding a bat w/out it existing on two different angles for things to reveal what's actually here- the Danger Room version of a classic X-Men team book, with all the charm of later artwork by Sean Chen. Man, I wish that was a compliment. I hate to say it, but this isn't the X-Reboot I'm looking for. I'll go about my business. Move along, me...move along.